Building Talents in Tech
and Creating Solutions

Obidients Tech Space: Using technology as a tool to power your future and
empower talented people to innovate and solve the world’s biggest problems.

Becoming a Developer:

8 Months of Software Engineering Training

Hire a Developer:

Hire the best team of Developers, Software Engineers and Consultants, to build and manage your projects.

Front-End Developer

Start your Front-End Career with Obidient Tech Space. At the completion of this 4-month course, which will train you in HTML 5, CSS 3, BOOTSTRAP 5 and JAVASCRIPT, you will design the following applications: a Blog Site, an E-Commerce Site, an Online Learning Site and a Portfolio Website.

4 Months apply now

Back-End Developer
(Python, django Js)

Python, Django, Node-JS) (Python, PostgreSQL, Postgres, MySQL, Django)
In this course, you will be equipped with the right skill-set to develop software that will solve problems.
The following application will be developed throughout this session:
E-Commerce and Social Media Sites, Costly Apps, Job Recruitment Sites, Customer Management Software, etc.

5 Months apply now

Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer: In this course, we will focus on Clients and Servers. This course refers to the ability to integrate the Front-End and Back-End components of a Software.

HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5, and JavaScript

Python, DJANGO, MySQL, PostgreSQ,
The following applications will be developed throughout this course:
Customer Management Software, Expensive Apps, Job Recruitment Site, E-Commerce and Social Media Site, Blog Sites, Online Learning Sites and Portfolio Websites.

8 Months apply now



4 Months


5 Months


8 Months

Start Date





A Laptop

A Good Internet


15 Projects

Training Cost



The Obidient Tech Space program is powered by

This is an exciting and comprehensive technology empowerment training designed to equip young people with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to excel in the ever-changing field of information technology (IT) ).
In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in shaping our world,.

We believe that every young individual has unique talents and abilities, and our mission is to train young Nigerians to become IT professionals, innovators, problem solvers and job creators.

Our company SKYLINE ICT CONSULT LTD. is comprised of an in-depth team of IT professionals who are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art, state-of-the-art IT services with innovative training and skills development..

Our goal in the Obidient Tech Space program is to equip participants with the tools and resources to use technology effectively, improve their digital literacy, and empower them to thrive in an increasingly digital world.


Our team has achieved remarkable milestones. and stand by to make sure you become the next software Engineer

Olisa Macaulay Skyline

Start-Up coach | Entrepreneur
| Software Engineer |

CEO Skyline ICT Consult
| founder Obidients tech space|

Emmanuel Chiadikobi

| Software Engineer |

Uzoamaka .C. Mbakogu

| Software Engineer |

Lawrence Akpan

| Software Engineer |

Adama Umaru

| Software Engineer |

Ndifreke Callistus

| Software Engineer |


| Software Engineer |

Eichie Michael

| Software Engineer |

David Ugwu

| Software Engineer |

Eze .T. Ubochi

| Software Engineer |

Okechukwu Ogo

| Software Engineer |

Transform your Workforce
We focus on teaching in-demand skills

We provide you with in-depth knowledge of the latest technology and programming languages. Hit the ground running as you get your first tech job.

Well tailored pedagogy for your teams

Need to upskill or reskill your team? 'obidient tech space's ' curriculum is tailored to uniquely fit your employees needs and provide them with the skills and knowledge for increased productivity and team efficiency.

Led and taught by industry professionals

The best instructors will be by your side every step of the way and guide you on your journey, skills assessments and career transition.

Certificates to boost your CV

At Obidient Tech Space we are dedicated to helping you make the most of your skills. We understand the importance of upskill and job readiness and we are here to help you every step of the way.